The Simpsons : In A Class Of It's Own

Carrying on from an earlier post where I introduced you to The Simpsons, (yes I know they probably don't need an introduction) I thought I would expand the post to other characters on the programme however, with so many different characters just where do you start? I've decided to continue with the characters associated with Springfield Elementary, friends, teachers and indeed the odd enemy. Springfield Elementary under the not to excellent hands of Principle Skinner is an often under achieving, chaotic and down right bizarre school, I'm not sure if anyone would want to send their children there! The Best Friend Milhouse Van Houten Milhouse Van Houten is 10 years old and Bart's best friend, they are in the same class at Springfield Elementary and although Milhouse and Bart are often complete opposites they share a close bond. Milhouse appears to be quite sensible, sensitive and intelligent but is also quite gullible, it is this trait that often leads to hi...