
Kylie Minogue 1990

A New Year A New Decade And A New Kylie   1990, a new year and indeed a new decade, one that would see Kylie Minogue take control over her own career, no longer would she be told what to wear, what to say or even which singles to release, she would ditch her 'girl next door' image for something a little more grown up, more sexual, the girl from Neighbours was blossoming into womanhood. The 1990s would also see Kylie lose her popularity and for a few years it looked like her career was over but in great survivor stories style in 2000 the lady was able to spin things around and made a sensational comeback.  Kylie's first single of the new decade was a cover version and also the theme tune from her film The Delinquents, Tears On My Pillow was originally released in 1958 by Little Anthony and The Imperials, the accompanying video showed Kylie in a black dress and 1950's style hair while clips of the film played both behind her and without her on screen. Released on January

Kylie Minogue 1989

Hand On My Heart It Really Is Kylie Minogue Following on from an earlier post that detailed Kylie Minogue's humble beginnings to her first year as a singer, I now carry on with 1989. So Kylie Minogue has been a child actress, starred in the soap opera Neighbours, released her debut single, The Locomotion which has been the decade's biggest selling single in her native Australia and released her first world wide hit I Should Be So Lucky which has reached No 1 in England, Australia and many other countries, her debut album entitled 'Kylie' has sold 5 million copies and a string of hit singles have been released from it. Kylie has become the 'girl next door' and kept the nation in a buzz about her love affair with fellow Neighbours star Jason Donovan, were they? weren't they?, well their duet Especially For You seemed to end all rumours and as we start 1989 their love song is sitting at No 1. Kylie Our Queen Of Denim 1989 would be another successful year for Ky

Carry On Camping

  MR J FIDDLER WELCOMES YOU TO HIS CAMP   Set in beautiful, sunny Devon, Paradise Camp has everything you need for a quiet, relaxing holiday, come rain or shine our freshly painted trees simulate the perfect English Summer, so whether you are camping alone, with friends or even the whole family come to Camp Paradise and surround yourself with all that nature has to offer. Paradise has everything you could want from a modern day field and don't worry we still provide all the necessities you could want while you are at one with nature, including a toilet block, you won't have to spend a penny when you need to go, our toilets are free to use and are even separated between men and women, all you need to bring is your own toilet paper! Camper's Paradise Our Modern Day Field Set In The Beautiful Devon Countryside Everyone enjoys an invigorating shower first thing in the morning or after a busy day of doing whatever takes your fancy and our ablutions hut is the perfect place to st

Victorian Architecture Continued

 Following on from an earlier post on  Victorian Architecture  we pick things up in the 1860s. 1865 St Pancras Station/ Midland Grand Hotel / St. Pancras Renaissance London Hotel In London 1865 while Midland Railway were constructing St. Pancras station they held a competition to design the station front and an adjacent 150 bedroom hotel. Midland Railway had decided to build their own terminus in London allowing better access to the capital for passengers on their extensive network across the North of England and the Midlands. The site chosen was located next to King's Cross Station, owned by rival company Great Northern Railway. Midland Railway decided their new station was to be an engineering masterpiece with architect William Henry Barlow designing a single span, iron roof that would create the largest enclosed space ever built in the world. St Pancras A Cathedral Of The Railways Architect George Gilbert Scott who was best known for his work in the Gothic Revival style on cathe

The Friends Of The Simpsons

  Carrying on from an earlier  post  where I introduced you to The Simpsons, (yes I know they probably don't need an introduction) I thought I would expand the post to other characters on the programme however, with so many different characters just where do you start?  I've decided to continue with the characters associated with Springfield Elementary, friends, teachers and indeed the odd enemy. Springfield Elementary under the not to excellent hands of Principle Skinner is an often under achieving, chaotic and down right bizarre school, I'm not sure if anyone would want to send their children here!  The Best Friend Milhouse Van Houten Milhouse Van Houten is 10 years old and Bart's best friend, they are in the same class at Springfield Elementary and although Milhouse and Bart are often complete opposites they share a close bond. Milhouse appears to be quite sensible, sensitive and intelligent but is also quite gullible, it is this trait that often leads to him being r

Pop Music

 'be warned the following post contains images, scenes and descriptions of unashamed pop music, it describes a period in time when music was bright, bold, sometimes tacky but above all it was fun, it may not be to everyone's taste, those who believe music has to be serious may be easily offended' Now, for those of you who are still reading this post, let's go back, back in time to the late 1980s, 1988 is were it all started for me, there is no internet, no social media and mobile phones are the size of a brick. Children and teenagers up and down the country are excited at the thrill of rushing to the shops on a Saturday morning to spend their well deserved pocket money on the latest single from their favourite pop stars, what would the cover be like? What would the B Side track be? Some records came with posters, some folded out into a poster and some were picture discs, oh the excitement! Then upon their return the delight of hearing that first crackle as the needle pl

Victorian Architecture

Victorian Architecture is the collective name for the styles of construction over the 64 years of Queen Victoria's reign between 1837 and 1901. At the start of this period Georgian Architecture was the most popular form, it drew inspiration from Ancient Rome and Greece, with columns and simple detailing the main features on many buildings. More attention was given to city planning with rows of townhouses and squares transforming the shape of the busiest areas of the country however a more extravagant style was about to take hold.  Devout religious beliefs during this time saw the rise of Gothic Revival Architecture and as towns and cities grew rapidly following the industrial revolution the streets of England began to fill with wildly decorative creations many resembling little churches with towers, spires, gables, arches, high roofs and elaborate detail all featured on many of the new buildings. The Gothic Revival style was worked into all aspects of life and with civic pride at a