Pop Music

'be warned the following post contains images, scenes and descriptions of unashamed pop music, it describes a period in time when music was bright, bold, sometimes tacky but above all it was fun, it may not be to everyone's taste, those who believe music has to be serious may be easily offended' Now, for those of you who are still reading this post, let's go back, back in time to the late 1980s, 1988 is were it all started for me, there is no internet, no social media and mobile phones are the size of a brick. Children and teenagers up and down the country are excited at the thrill of rushing to the shops on a Saturday morning to spend their well deserved pocket money on the latest single from their favourite pop stars, what would the cover be like? What would the B Side track be? Some records came with posters, some folded out into a poster and some were picture discs, oh the excitement! Then upon their return the delight of hearing that first crackle as the needle pl...